
That incredible moment when you realise that all your deep rooted feelings and beliefs were formed before you had adult logic…
And everything suddenly makes sense!

You stop attracting certain people when you heal

I was the world’s best fixer..

A high achiever in the corporate world  feeling my purpose was to help everyone live their best lives. I didn’t have any energy left for me!

I had no idea

that fixing everyone else gave me my purpose and that it came from a deep rooted belief that I wasn’t good enough, which my inner voice told me 24/7!

All based on nonsense beliefs formed because my parents were emotionally unavailable in my childhood, due to their parents being emotionally unavailable when they were children. I formed the belief at an early age that I wasn’t worthy of love and stopped loving myself just like they had done in their childhoods…..


Before training as a Therapist

I worked in Senior Management in various positions, from EA through to Director.

I was highly respected but spent hours and hours microanalysing everything, couldn’t speak up in board meetings and worked really long hours to do what others seemed to do effortlessly.

I just thought I was made that way..

I discovered RTT by accident

My archive was completely emptied in one session and it blew my mind It just felt like a miracle!

I trained as an RTT Therapist shortly afterwards.

That realisation that if your critical voice was your best friend constantly in your ear…

..You’d have found a new friend years ago, yet we go through life with this inner critical voice twittering in our ear, telling us we’re not good enough, we’re inadequate and we believe every word it says!

When you understand what made your inner voice believe what it does, the sense of freedom is the most liberating experience you can ever feel, it changes everything forever!

It changed my life and I’m now privileged to do the same for others.

It’s absolutely magical to watch my clients transform as finally having understanding gives them immediate liberation and true authentic freedom…
