

Again Dawn thank you so much for freeing me of the negative shit in my head. You are an amazing soul ❤️



After suffering for two years I hit rock bottom at the thought of no return. I had explored different options however nothing seemed to help, however the little fight left within me was desperately wanting to feel like the old me

I had one session with Dawn and I can honestly say a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Dawn made me feel comfortable at ease and was truly amazing in her approach, not only during but after the session- checking in and really going the extra mile.

After suffering the loss of a loved one Dawn was there on hand to offer guidance and support showing her passion and dedication to her role and for the care towards others .For anyone feeling like they have exhausted different routes and even may be synical of different therapies, i strongly would recommend and encourage RTT xxx



When a friend recommended RTT to me I was skeptical to say the least but having been off work for months, I was willing to give anything a go, if it meant getting back to some sort of normality.

Over a period of time, I ‘d seemingly lost who I previously thought I was and believe I was at the lowest I’d ever been in my life.

Who’d have thought, that your beliefs are formed from the age of 7 in the subconscious mind? Not me……well I had heard something about it but didn’t understand the impact and influences it had on the logic adult mind.

On completion of the therapy, I feel like a new woman. I now feel optimistic about my future and have this overwhelming sense of self confidence and high self esteem.

Dawn really was my saving grace. She is incredibly supportive and her “can do” approach is so uplifting and inspiring.

She willingly devotes her time and energy into making you be the best version of yourself and I am eternally grateful to her for this


From That Darkest of Places…

Throughout life you hear about therapy and think, nah that wont be for me, then Bam!! there it is, a breakdown, depression, anxiety and no tools to deal with it.  And from that darkest of places with no understanding of why or how you got there, a ‘shining star’ of hope appears and coaches you back to a new you, a brighter you and there you are, fixed!

I cant thank Dawn enough for helping me, (and those around me) for being a constant during my turbulent time, for being patient, kind, supportive and caring… and for being ‘real’.

Dawn has an honest way with words, she knows her audience and for me that was so important, I was able to trust her, believe her and engage with her.

I feel blessed to have got back on track and focused on me, my recovery and clear on what is important to me.

Thank you Dawn.


Dawn has been an amazing person to work with.

She has a caring approach and the results from one session of RTT have been life changing.

It’s a very powerful and transformative experience that enabled me to revisit my past for one last time and lay everything to rest.

Highly recommend Dawn to others seeking that inner change of beliefs and being supported in the process by such a lovely person, thank you so much Dawn



After seeing a family members transformation I booked in for the RTT with Dawn. I felt ‘lighter’ just after the initial consultation call!

Since the therapy I have gone from strength to strength, no more feeling guilty, people pleasing and binge eating.

For the first time in my life I feel like an adult and not the scared little girl I was before therapy. My fear of public speaking which has held me back my whole life has completely gone…

I got the highest grade in a group of 60 students for a presentation!

Dawn has treated my daughter and son both with amazing results too!

After care is second to none and Dawn goes above and beyond.

If you’re thinking about it 100% go for it!



I had an amazing session with Dawn and 21 days later I can confirm she was absolutely right, she has achieved and exceeded what she said she could do for me. From our initial chat, I trusted and felt comfortable with Dawn.

During our online session I was relaxed and felt aware throughout. I am still astounded at the memories that came to mind and Dawn explained how these events, of which I had no conscious recollection, affected my adult self. Having this explanation was an immediate release for me.

I diligently listened to the recording Dawn sent every day for 21 days and have been in situations which proved that RTT with Dawn works.

My recommendation is that you go into this without cynicism, trust in Dawn and follow the process of listening to the recording for 21 days.

With regard to the cost, you get as much support as you need throughout the process

Dawn, you are wonderful and I thank you wholeheartedly x



I was recommended to Dawn by a friend and I am so glad I had my session with her.

I had some demons to overcome and she has helped me defeat them all, and I have never felt better.

Dawn is genuinely a lovely person and I couldn’t have chosen someone better to go through this with.

I’ll never be able to thank you enough



After some consideration I decided to bite the bullet and give RTT a go.

It’s the most amazing life changing thing I’ve experienced and I recommend it to everyone.

Dawn is brilliant and her care and aftercare is second to non, daily texts and then weekly follow ups make so much difference.

I found Dawn went above her duty of care and nothing is too much.

I can’t thank you enough


The results are lifechanging..

I have known I’ve had issues to deal with for years. I have been to Councillors and have experienced hypnotherapy in the past but none of them provided a definitive solution to my insecurities and issues.

A friend of mine worked with Dawn and I could see the transformation. There was something different about her, a sense of ease that radiated from within. Although I saw the huge improvement for myself, I procrastinated for months before contacting Dawn. I guess I just got sick and tired of going through the same old crap.

From the first conversation, I knew this was the girl for me; down to earth, easy to chat to and quick to identify my issues.

The pre session work saw my sleep improve within just a few days. The changes following the main session were incredible, so far beyond my expectations. When I had a wobble, she was there again to work with me to solve the last stubborn issues. Doing the work has been easy and the results are life changing. I am so pleased with where I am now. It’s a shame I didn’t do it sooner but everything comes in it’s own time and I guess I was ready.

If you’re not sure if this work is for you, I urge you to ask yourself, what if you could be the version of you that you have always longed for? Dawn can help you get there, if you let her.


I’m Cynical About This Stuff…

Today was day 4 of feeling anxious to the point I wasn’t even close to being myself.

Dawn offered me. a ‘Blast’ over zoom. I’m cynical about this stuff but honestly, it worked for me. I’m feeling myself again and I can’t thank Dawn enough.

I called her a witch after (in a good way!!!!) only because I don’t understand it and it felt like magic.

Thank you thank you thank you



Just WOW !! I have recently had a session with Dawn and I feel amazing! I had a recording to listen to a few weeks prior to my session and I had comments that I was changing already ! 

I was very dubious when I saw this therapy can ” change your life in 2 hours ” but it literally can !!!

Dawn is so down to earth and the after support is second to none. It is very clear she wants the best outcome for you ! 

You will definitely not regret it! I only wish I had found Dawn sooner…she really has changed my life ❤


Self Belief

Over the last three years I spent nearly £3400 on conventional therapy trying to deal with issues I had brought with me from childhood and made no progress. …

Then I heard about RTT and after one 2 hour session with Dawn I felt as if everything finally made sense, I also realised they weren’t my issues to be carrying around for so long and I’m finally free after just one session!



Hello my name is K. I just want to share with you my journey.  I am a 60 year old lady.

I was sexually abused as a child by my father. I had many abusive relationships as an adult. I had several miscarriages. I was broken and did not want to be here anymore.

Then Dawn came into my life and put all my broken pieces back together and now I’m whole again.

I had one session with Dawn and she has healed me. She has completely changed my life around. I am so happy now and have come to love myself from within. 

I will be forever grateful Dawn you have saved my life.



I can wholeheartedly say that Dawn has changed my life.

Immediately after my session I felt completely different, it was like an incredible weight had gone. You can’t even describe the intensity of what you feel after. And it just got better and better.

Before I struggled to walk up my stairs, I would sleep for hours each day, I struggled to play with my little boy and I spent so much time being exhausted and unhappy. You would not even recognise me now… I go to the gym, I go for walks, I don’t need naps.

I have lost a stone already just because I can now move around and don’t feel the need to comfort eat!

I am so happy  now, it is hard to believe this is all from one session…. but it works and it is the most incredible thing ever. I cannot recommend this therapy enough, my family are gobsmacked but are absolutely elated that they now have this incredibly happy person who is living her best life! Do not doubt this amazing lady for one second… she will change your life!



After my first phone call with dawn I felt better!! She gave me a recording to listen to until my session with her and the next day i felt happier! Just after having a chat with her. I’d been suffering with a lot of stress, confidence and anxiety and at one point I felt I was in a big hole and couldn’t see me getting out of it!!

I had my session – I wasn’t sure what to expect or if it would work on me as I’ve never done it before. After my session I felt good but a bit exhausted and as the days followed I had really happy days.

Some days I’m that happy i have to warn my family, friends and colleagues and they just laugh at me, everyone around me has seen a massive difference in me as well as myself.

I feel happier than ever, I feel I can be me, and with that means my relationships with people, my confidence at work, the fun I have everyday just living normal life.

Dawn has been amazing, I’ve had lots of troubles ongoing while going through my 21 days and she has been there to explain things to help understand things better, so even with that going on she has put me at ease and happy and shes a really friendly person and with just one call to her you will see that.

Thank you Dawn so much, you already know as I’ve told you a lot, but this has been life changing for me. You helped me change my life when I thought i really couldn’t!! And you are someone I will never forget who helped me see how to start painting my own canvas from now, its an amazing feeling.

Thank you xxx



Dawn is very easy to talk to and is very honest if she doesn’t think the therapy would work on you.

The session itself is a revelation, learning things about how you perceive yourself and why. Dawn has changed my life, I now live without feeling anxious, I feel confident and likeable and am able to transfer this happiness onto those around me. I can’t find words to express my heartfelt thanks.



I have never considered any sort of therapy before as I didnt think it would work. I had a consultation with Dawn and she put me at ease. When Dawn mentioned that she could help me after just a couple of hours…. I laughed…. my mum laughed and my friends laughed. but here I am over 21 days later feeling absolutely incredible.

I feel lighter and free of any weight that was on my shoulders.

I no longer reactive to negative situations, i no longer resent anyone resented in the past and I am making more time for me and my son.

I feel free. I cant explain it any other way.

I would recommend this form of therapy and Dawn is just amazing. She actually cares about people as individuals and wants the best for you.

Thank you dawn for changing my life.



My experience of RTT with Dawn can be simply summed up as liberating!

Dawn has freed me of all the negative beliefs I had carried around with me for over 40 years. After 3 and a half hours of emotional therapy I was free of all past negative beliefs and experiences and I was reborn with positivity and motivation and a clear picture of how my future would be – living my best life!

All feelings of stress and feeling anxious, feelings of not being worthy or good enough vanished.

Dawn’s therapy is without doubt the best thing to happen to me for a very long time and I would recommend the therapy to everyone.



Well what can I say Dawn is a true angel, I had given up and just went from day to day on the treadmill of life managing it as best I could, I never socialised all I wanted to know was what happiness felt like.

A friend told me about Dawn, I did it not really expecting it to make any difference, well how wrong was I!! I feel like ive been reborn, I wake up every morning so happy I could never have imagined feeling like this even in lockdown and living alone im loving life.

Im starting to love myself which I have not done for so many years I have my over eating under control and the weight is just falling off, I was literally a prisoner in my own home now im out when I can chatting to everyone, I see cant wait to fit into my best clothes that ive not worn for years and believe me I will be out every chance I get.

From some one who was at the bottom, I would tell anyone there is no longer a reason not to be your very best and love life!!! Do it you wont regret it.

Thank you Dawn wish I could bottle the way you have made me feel and give some to everyone what a happy world it would be xx



As someone who has tried many therapies, I was definitely sceptical about the session and what it would achieve. Well, I can honestly say, I cannot believe the impact this one session has had on my life.

Dawn was able to take me back to moments I had buried deep deep down, that until now I didn’t think were significant in how I feel as an adult.

She enabled me to understand the negative beliefs that I had built in my mind over time as a child and carried into adult life. After the session I felt free, lighter and cleansed. I worried this feeling would fade as the days went on but it hasn’t, it’s only got better and better.

Dawn has completely changed my life. Where others have tried and failed she has so effortlessly succeeded.

This women is amazing I recommend anyone to go and spend time with her, you will not regret it. I’m forever thankful to her for freeing me.



Dawn is absolutely amazing and I couldn’t recommend her more. She really supported me when I suffered with worry, low moods and worry about sick which was ruining my life. From the initial contact I felt at home with Dawn and even after my session she still checked in on me and made sure I was doing ok.

If you get the opportunity to speak to Dawn, I would highly recommend it as it was the best thing I ever did and I will never stop recommending her to my friends and family.



Dawn is a compassionate therapist and I am grateful for all her assistance after my son’s death. She showed care and concern for my well-being as well as took the time to thoroughly research all the history and information pertaining to my Trauma. Having tried all forms of therapy to help, my nephew referred me to Dawn.

The Blast and Rapid Transformational Therapy was a success as I am now still grieving, something to be expected, but I am free of medication and PTSD. I would highly recommend Dawn.



I couldn’t recommend Dawn and her amazing RTT enough! I have to admit I was nervous at first, and worried it was something that wouldn’t work, but i was so wrong! Dawn was so easy to talk too and made sure you was 100% comfortable throughout the whole process!

The aftercare too is amazing, she really lets you know that she cares just as much as you about the outcome of your session.

Honestly it has been the best thing I have ever done! I cant thank Dawn enough for everything she’s done for me!



I want to thank Dawn for everything. With her help I am now in a completely different headspace all for the better.

I am thinking differently, I am considering what is important to me for the first time in my life. I am also starting to hit the goals I had set myself.

I would recommend Dawn to everybody, I really wasn’t sure if RTT would work for me and after having my consultation with Dawn I knew I needed to at least try and now there’s no turning back for me.

Thanks again Dawn



If you want to overcome, self limiting beliefs and feeling anxious this is amazing therapy and works.

I just wish I could have had many years ago.

I feel focused, my mind is clearer.

Dawn is a genuinely caring lady who really wants to make a difference and she has found her gift

I would recommend to anyone

Thank you Dawn



I felt like I was constantly holding myself back with self-doubt and I didn’t have enough self-belief to make the changes I wanted and needed in my life.

Since my session (about a week ago) there has been a definite change, I have noticed that I’m much more positive about my abilities, also when I have ideas and visions for the future I don’t dismiss or discourage myself thinking it can’t happen or I can’t do that like I used to.

It was eye opening getting to the root cause of my lack of self-belief and Dawn was amazing at making sure we got to the root of the problem!



On the 25th of February i went to dawn for a session. She was absolutely brilliant from the start she made me feel so relaxed and comfortable. My session was about self love and self worth. Before i went to see dawn i was putting up with all sorts off everyone.

The session was absolutely amazing and I came out of there feeling brilliant. Since the session i have felt amazing I have done everything she has asked me to do. I honestly cant thank her enough for what she has done for me. I can see the change in me.

I now know I am worth it and I don’t have to put up with people who bring me down all the time. I deserve better and i will find better. I would recommend her to anyone and i hope she will help you as much as she has helped me. She’s amazing. Thank you for all you have done for me xxx



“Amazing and an Angel”. Those are the words I use for Dawn.

I had a session with Dawn after getting to a very low point in my life due to issues in the past, current life issues and the feeling of not being good enough, rejection and guilt.

Dawn was not only an unbelievable therapist but also a truly inspiring and caring person, that only has goodness and everyone’s best interests in her heart.

To say Dawn has gone above and beyond for me is an understatement and she will never know what she’s done for me and how thankful I am. Dawn goes way above and beyond due to her totally selfless, caring personality and is truly an Angel on earth.

Thank you Dawn from the bottom of my heart.



I have struggled throughout my life with so many insecurities., guilt and self-doubt. Over the years I have justified why I am like this, thinking I understood how to move forward.

My daughter introduced me to Dawn with the belief that Dawn could help me. I had just been diagnosed with breast cancer and the Coronavirus had started. She couldn’t be with me to hold my hand or wipe away my tears and thought that Dawn could help, so I agreed to take a session.

My session wasn’t about the cancer, it was about me and I found me and I understood me and I felt alive and free. I wanted to shout to the world “This is me, I love me”.

I have no fear of my cancer, positivity and self-belief will help me through this time and the love of my family. Dawn oozes with personality and character and made me feel comfortable and relaxed from the start. I love listening to her recordings at night as I gently drift to sleep. Thank you Dawn, you are amazing. xxx



I had a session with Dawn yesterday the 5th April.

I’ve never been hypnotised before and wasn’t sure what to expect, I would highly recommend Dawn she makes you feel at ease and talks you through every step before starting the therapy.

I contacted Dawn due to a recent break up which was the straw that broke the camels back as they say.

I have spent a lifetime of feeling unloveable and not being good enough for anybody that has now changed and I can’t thank Dawn enough for that, I felt like a weight had been lifted as soon as the session was over.

Thank you Dawn for your compassion and fantastic help xxx



Dawn has helped me so much overcoming fears.

I’m so glad I met this wonderful lady who has made me believe in self worth and that anything is possible.

The aftercare after the session is amazing.

Thank you Dawn xxx



Not really knowing anything about RTT I was intrigued as to how it worked and if it would help with why I couldn’t stick to a diet or normal healthy eating. I could be so focused and lose weight but then ruin it all.

I spoke to Dawn and she was so positive that RTT would work for me I booked in. Dawn makes you feel so comfortable I had total trust in her. After the session I could only describe the feeling of how I felt light.

Dawn sent me a recording to listen to each night and I’ve never slept better. It supports the session you have had and I can honestly say that the things I used to turn to for comfort I no longer do. It’s amazing. I would definitely recommend Dawn to anyone for any issues you have.



Dawn has been a lifeline.

She has brought me back from the depths of despair.

From that initial phone call, her care and support has been immense.

At long last the shackles are off and I am free to move on.

Diolch yn fawr iawn.


The weight of so much sadness has been lifted and I am smiling and laughing a lot more.

Thank you Dawn



What an incredible lady Dawn is. She has completely changed my way of thinking and looked after me right from my very first session to now.

What an incredible lady you are, I can’t thank you enough, thank you for making me understand that there is more to life than what I was living with.

100% recommend, thank you again xx


What an incredible lady Dawn is. She has completely changed my way of thinking and looked after me right from my very first session to now.

What an incredible lady you are, I can’t thank you enough, thank you for making me understand that there is more to life than what I was living with.

100% recommend, thank you again xx


What an absolutely huge bundle of joy you are Dawn, you are fabulous at what you do and I for one am so grateful. Like others I wish I had done this years ago and been able to live my best ever life.

I feel lighter and the sluggishness I was feeling has gone. I went into this not knowing what to expect and boy am I glad I did.

Thank you for your help and kindness. Xx



From the first moment with Dawn you know you are in good hands. Pragmatic, thorough and caring, Dawn had provided safe space for me while I explored and got rid of a major issue that was way overdue with resolving.

My session with Dawn focused on my impostor syndrome, which used to hinder me a lot throughout my career and especially in my current job. Too often I used to feel quite fearful that my work was not good enough and I used to second guess myself a lot. I never exposed myself more than necessary, thus missing opportunities to progress much faster professionally. I questioned my results and knowledge no matter how thorough they were, always thinking there was more to be done or learnt.

Within a week of my session, I started feeling a lot more at ease throughout my work day and I’ve gone from strength to strength since then. I now approach my tasks with a lot more ease and confidence, I am not afraid to ask for help and I noticed significant shift in how assertive I am when I need to voice my ideas or concerns.

Thanks to Dawn I have reclaimed my peace of mind and I love the healthier and more confident version of myself.



I found my experience very helpful and it has changed my life. I have recommended Dawns therapy to several people and feel confident doing so, because, I know that they could benefit.

I feel like a different person and if I feel like I’m having doubts, I just listen to my recording for a few days and this picks me back up.

Thankyou Dawn, you’ve no idea how much you’ve helped me, get ‘me ‘ back.



Dawn has been a life saver, angel sent from heaven. She is so amazing, fabulous, gorgeous, beautiful, lovely and ace.

She is one in 100% who has saved my life. I have been so low for the last 15 years. Feeling not worthy, hating myself and wishing to die. Meeting her and listening to her recording everyday has saved my life.

In the first time every in my life of 41 years old. I can breathe, feel loved and feel very worthy in my life. She has completed me. Where I can say I love myself and worthy being alive and not wishing to be dead. I will never ever forget this in my life. Honestly if any of you are feeling worthless or thinking of you don’t belong in this world. I highly recommend Dawn.

Honestly she will change your life. She had changed my life. Where I can smile, I love myself and I know I’m worth. She is a angel sent from heaven to me. I will remember her kind words, her kindness as a fabulous human being. I wake up smiling and loving myself, instead of being down in the dumps. Xxx



In the early part of this year, my whole world crumbled around me. After talking to a family member, they reached out to Dawn and that is the moment she started to change my life.

After our online session I can honestly say that I have never been so emotionally drained, yet I was still sceptical about what I had just been through. I listened to the audio recording that night and had one of the best nights sleep that I can remember. When I woke up in the morning, I realised that my life was on a new path.

This was a “eureka” moment for me as things suddenly started to make sense. I had just learned to accept that’s how I was. Dawn showed me that it was not my fault and that I was worth more and that I no longer needed to carry the burden of negative beliefs with me any longer.

Without the help of Dawn, I honestly believe that this would not have happened.

My life is now full of positive thinking, compassion and love for myself and others around me.

Thank you Dawn, you are AMAZING!



(These testimonials have been reviewed and elements have been removed to comply with advertising guidelines)