
I saw Dawn more than 4 weeks ago for my weight management issue. I’m not and have never been obese, yet I carried more weight than I’d wanted.

Dawn was very accommodating to my busy schedule and I greatly appreciated her agreeing to see me at night on both occasions – for our informative meeting and session itself.

Since the first moment, Dawn’s demeanour was warm, understanding, encouraging but also kind and compassionate. She was truly caring, especially for a few days that followed our session.

The session itself was an unexpectedly emotional dive for me. The depth frankly shocked me and it took me some time to process. Time during witch I’d welcomed Dawn’s attentiveness.

Immediately after the session, I felt a huge weight has lifted off my shoulders. I can still recall the sensation. Never before I’ve experienced that. I felt relaxed, safe and content.

My transformational recording arrived almost immediately and I’d listened to it for four weeks. 

During these four weeks, I realized two major shifts had occurred. First, sweet taste had stopped being interesting to me. Second, I’d started running again!

I’m yet to see the scale move and I understand it’s a process that takes time. That being said, I am feeling so much better already! I feel lighter for the burden that has lifted off my shoulders. Dawn has helped me deal with my past with her humble kindness and soothing voice. I’m ever so grateful.

I can highly recommend Therapy with Dawn. She’s extraordinary.

SM – May 2020