
All Inclusive Packages
Custom made for you in every sense..


  • 1 hour discovery call to map out your transformation;

  • Pre session recording which will start helping immediately and get you acquainted with the process;

  • Life changing Rapid Transformational Therapy session uncovering the cause, not the symptoms;

  • Custom Made  Recording made live during the session, based on your deep rooted emotional causes, which is yours to keep forever.

  • 24/7 Support for 30 days following the session, to ensure you get the outcome you wantI am with you every step of the way on your journey, from beginning to end.

  • Follow up 30 minute session at the end of the 30 days to ensure you have achieved the outcome you wanted.

£450 All inclusive price

Book your complimentary, no obligation discovery call today

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  • 30 minute complimentary call to understand the trauma you need to heal;

  • 1 hour life changing Blast session, reprogramming negative emotions and feelings attached to previous traumatic events;

  • Hypnotic recording of your choice to help in other areas of your life, to keep ; 

£100 per session
Note Blast session removes a single layer in each session. More complex or multiple issues may require more than one session of Blast

Book your complimentary, no obligation discovery call today

Book complimentary call


If you work for a company and want to heal deep rooted emotional  beliefs or you think it would benefit some of your colleagues, I work with wonderful businesses who know their best assets are their people and provide a bespoke corporate package working with colleagues to heal the root cause. If you think this is something your employer may be interested in, I’d love to hear from them. This is a fantastic solution focused alternative to occupational health, that deals with the cause, rather than reporting on the symptoms.

“I was very shocked as I deal with the wellbeing & mental health. This is a very different ball game. It’s solution focused, it’s rapid, it transforms and does what it says….”

“Talking to the people who’ve had this within the Company, this gets to that root cause and that’s just amazing…”

Employers please contact me for more information on Bespoke Corporate Package

Book your complimentary, no obligation discovery call today

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